

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is the common name for adhesive capsulitis. It is identified when the range of motion in the shoulder is limited and/or painful. This happens when scar tissue builds up in the joint and there isn’t space for the shoulder to rotate properly. This can result from an old sports injury or just sitting at a desk with improper posture and regular stretching.

We use a combination of massage and manual manipulation skills along with technology to help break up scar tissue and improve function, typically in a single session.


Sciatica is the result of a problem with the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that runs from the lower back and down the legs. Sitting for long periods of time, in traffic or at a desk, can magnify this painful condition.

If you are suffering from lower back pain that spreads to the hips and down into the leg, don’t ignore the pain. Often times a single treatment will provide relief from this painful condition.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is often misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel symptom, as numbness in the hand is an early symptom. But really, it is a group of disorders that occurs when nerves or blood vessels are compressed between the collarbone and the first rib (also known as the thoracic outlet).

Pain is noticed in the shoulders and neck with numbness in the fingers.

We start by working the way up the arm to the radial ulnar nerve, then further up the arm to the brachial plexus, then even further to the cervical plexus. Our goal is release the pressure and prevent the need for surgery.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of tissue along the bottom of the foot. The telling symptom is intense pain in the heel, usually in the morning or when getting up from a stationary position.

We have worked with over 1000 patients with this condition with great success. We use a proven process of manual therapy and technology, along with a self care program. This condition is best treated when pain is first noticed. Waiting will make the condition more painful and may require injections as well as lead to to chronic hip and back pain!